Sunday, June 6, 2010

Classroom 4 Blog

Welcome to our classroom 4 blog! We are here to keep you updated and informed about our PTA and the efforts to raise funds for new computer technology in our classroom. This blog is here for you to share thoughts, address concerns and get involved.

* Learning can be enhanced in the classroom through the use of educational technology.
* Effective use of computers allows students to keep up with the digital world and prepares them for the future.

Educational Theories of Learning:

Directed Learning Theory is the traditional way of mastering skills in the classroom. The area of math and reading are taught with the direct approach in most schools toady. This approach is teacher led. The information that students need for sucess is taught by the teacher and then tested in a standardized manner. "The directed learning theory is grounded in information processing." (Robyler & Doering, 2010,p.34).

Constructivist Learning Theory states that students gain knowledge through participation in educational experiences. This form of learning is inquiry-based and encourages collaboration among students along with competence in one's own skills. Students gain insight about the inner working of concepts and new ideas which can motivate students to explore even more.

"There are meaningful roles for both directed instruction and constructivist strategies and technology applications associated with them. Both can help teachers and students meet the many and varied requirements of learning in today's Information Age society." (Robyler & Doering, 2010).

For more information about learing theories go to http//

Our Classroom 4 Wish List:

Now that we are learning multiplication there is a new program out that enhances memorization of these facts and is great fun for the children while learning. So, we would love to raise enough to obtain the Math Skills Program for our class.
The second item on our wish list is to have two more computers with internet capabilities so that we can start our pen pal program with students from other countries.

We are building our math skills and the Math Skills Porgram on our wish list falls under the directed learning category.Multiplication can be drill-tested while the students participate in the interactive program. This allows for the assessment of skill level of each student to reviewed by the teacher after completion.

The pen pal program we have in classroom 4 is a wonderful way to enhance the knowledge our students have about the countries we have been studying. It gives the students a chance to interact on a personal level with a student from Japan, Italy or Chile. This builds connections with the global community we live in. Like the constructivist theory points out about this style of learning; it motivates students to explore even more. It enhances understanding about other cultures and gives the students an experience they truly enjoy and learn so much from.

Again, this blog is here for you!
We value your input and want to make our school the best it can be!
We appreciate all the support and if you have any questions or concerns please use this blog, we love to communicate with our families!

Robyler, M./ Doering, A.. (2010). Integrating Educational Technolgy into Teaching. (5th ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon, Pearson.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is an assignment for an educational technology course at National University. It is not a real fundraising blog.